Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Today We Turn 25

Twenty-five years ago today I married the love of my life. When I think back, I remember feeling at the time - like I really loved my groom. But the love that I felt then doesn't EVEN compare to the depth, height, and width of my love today. Through good times, through bad times, in sickness, and in health, we have forged through the days. The days have turned into years. TWENTY FIVE YEARS!!!! We created 3 beautiful, incredible people, and are building a thriving church together. Together, we have accomplished so much.
Today I look back, but also look ahead. I know that you have lots more surprises up your sleeve. You have many more life ideas and experiments yet to live and try. And today, like I did so many years ago I vow to stay by your side. Whatever life brings us. I'm excited about spending it with YOU. Here's to 25 MORE with YOU babe!! I love you forever.....

Monday, November 9, 2009

Landmark Experiences

Last night in our evening service I received a 'Landmark Experience'. Words never do justice to these experiences, however, my husband best described it when he said that "It felt as if we had been take up in angels wings and carried into the Presence of the Lord." He quoted the verse in I Hebrews....."Of the angels, Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be the heirs of salvation?"
I couldn't stop weeping, and at the same time I felt like laughing because it was so beautiful and sweet. I didn't ever want to leave. I didn't want that feeling to stop. Before the night was over I just sat there in that special 'spot' where I received such overwhelming love from God. That 'landmark spot'. Today when I went to the church to do some work, I went to that 'spot' and just sat and let the tears fall in gratefulness for what God had done in my heart and life.
Today as I went through the daily 'stuff' that I do as a wife, mom and Pastors wife, I began to remember many other 'landmark experiences' in my life. As I thought of them I realized that those experiences are what has made me who I am. They have kept me through the hard times. They are what I hold onto when the demon of doubt would like to wage a battle with my mind. Today I took a journey; not physically, but spiritually to many of those 'landmarks' in my life, and thanked God for them.
Today my load is lighter. Today I can see clearly, for the rain has gone. Today I feel the brush of angels wings....But I know that when Tomorrow comes, *and it will*....I have another landmark in my life that I can return to and 'remember' the power and sweetness of God's love, and that memory will carry me through....

Friday, October 23, 2009


I was just sitting and pondering.....*this could mean trouble folks!*

I was born and raised in an Apostolic home. It's all I've ever known. (It's all I ever WANT to know... I might add!) I have always loved God and lived for him simply because I WANTED TO. Nothing has changed....I STILL WANT TO! I am, *to put it simply*....in love. In love with Jesus. In all the years that I have lived for Him, I have NEVER EVEN CONSIDERED any other 'way'. I am unapologetic about my 'lifestyle'. In fact, I consider my 'lifestyle' a privilege. There are many before me that have walked this narrow path. I value them and am so grateful for their faithfulness and commitment, and treasure the heritage that has been passed down to me. I now am lovingly and proudly passing this treasure down to my children.

Our political and religious world today scream for change. So far the only 'change' Washington has brought, is a president and first lady that have no respect or understanding of the sacredness of the highest office in our nation. Their dress code, their references to our incredible country, and political stance, scream and prove their 'CHANGE'=EMINENT DESTRUCTION!! We are being destroyed not from the 'outside', but from the 'inside'. Is this same evolution taking place in the Apostolic world? I say yes! And lookout, because the real damage is being dealt from the inside.
I don't want any shortcuts or new plans. I want what is tried and true and what I consider My Pearl of Great Price....just sayin'.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy Birthday To 'My Dream Come True'

Sixteen years ago today, God gave me the desires of my heart....actually He gave me so much more than I ever dreamed of, in a beautiful little package we named Chantal Lorraine Bertram.

God had called us to go on the evangelistic field, and we were selling our home and EVERYTHING we owned. Our family at the time, consisted of 2 of the most delightful boys you could ever ask for, and I was a very happy Mommy. My deepest dream however, was to have a little girl. At this very momentous time of our life, surprising and delighting us, Chantal made her entrance into our world. I remember crying and laughing in the delivery room telling my husband, the doctors and nurses, (like they didn't know already!)..."It's a girl! God gave me my girl! Oh I can't believe it! DID YOU HEAR ME??? IT'S A GIRL!!!! Thank you JESUS!!" They gave me polite little nods and congratulations, but that didn't dissuade me. I cried and laughed and gushed on. What a total blast this little package brought to our home.
She was and still is the perfect balance. She is not afraid of getting dirty, and is perfectly content in a jean skirt, cowboy boots, and a bun on her head....And she takes a backseat to no one when she gets all gussied up! LOL Tomboy, and Princess all in one package!

I remember praying over her every time I would change her diaper, or feed her. Thanking God for her, and asking God to keep His hand on her. To protect her and give her a heart after Him. My prayer has been answered. I have watched this little Tomboy Princess turn into an incredible young lady. She is one of our best altar workers. She sings with anointing, and genuinely loves people. She prays. She is a real christian!

With a grateful heart I write this....I know this is a public forum and others will read it, but there are 2 beautiful blue eyes that are my focus and this is written for those 'blues'.

Chantal, you are my dream come true and oh so much more. You have been nothing but a delight to your Dad and I and your 2 VERY protective brothers.(lol) You have brought laughter, singing (all the time...), and such fun to our home.

My wish for you is that you keep God first. He WILL give you the desires of your heart....I know what I'm talking about....He did that for me! I love you more than you will ever know. Happy 'Sweet 16'.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

David & Chantal Singing 'The Prayer'

This is an audio clip of David and Chantal singing 'The Prayer' at Jonathan & Cynthia's wedding.

Thank you for letting a proud mama brag!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Introducing.....Prince David

This being a very 'transitional' time (Is that even a word?.....it is now!) in the Bertram household, with Jonathan married and out of the house, it really got Chantal and I thinking....Here's what we came up with.

We have officially crowned David Hunter Bertram the 'Prince' of the house. YES....he now holds the very royal spot that sits right next to the throne. Thus he must be treated like the royalty that he is.

This last Sunday night (the very first night after the big coronation), when we came home from church, Chantal (The Princess) and I were poised and ready. When he entered the dining area we quickly sat him down and asked him what he wanted to eat...."ANYTHING, to the half of the kingdom is yours just ask"....and that he did. We tirelessly served him his hearts delight. Meanwhile the delight was ours. Just to watch the little grin, huge dimples, and the chest expanding before our eyes was incredible fun. I must say that the Prince is milking this one for all it's worth. The Princess is working tirelessly in the kitchen granting the Prince his every wish. (It is loads of cute!!!!)

In my opinion, the Prince is so worthy of this royal treatment. He is nothing short of delightful. He has the Queen and blonde little Princess wrapped around his handsome little finger. However, the queen is now waiting for a new awareness to set in and be realized....The one that will occur with startling clarity,...the one when the Princess realizes her royal spot in the Kingdom, and has the Prince finally doting on her.....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Wow it has been ages since I have written on my blog. I have so many friends and family all over the United States, and this blog was a way for them to keep connected to me....however, it's not as effective a tool for me to keep connected to them. Thus Facebook. I have neglected my blog, and have been staying connected to loved ones via Facebook....It's more of a 'mutually satisfying' experience. One problem being that EVERYONE does not have FB. At my sons wedding (which I will talk about later on in this update) several friends and family (that are not FB converts yet) requested some blog updates....So here we go.

I probably should have went back and read what my latest blog entries were, so that I could be more informative, but I didn't. (Too lazy I guess.) So, I'll just pick up on the LATEST, BIGGEST, news in our family.

The most sentimental and HUGEST news in our family, is that my son Jonathan Paul Bertram is now a married man. YEP! I can hardly believe it, but it is true. Jonathan married a precious girl from our church. 'Cynthia' is an incredibly beautiful and Godly young lady. I am so proud of Jonathan's pick!!
Cynthia has been a part of FMT since she was about 10 or 11. Something about Cynthia grabbed my heart. (Those of you that know me well, know that 'maternal' blood flows in my veins in the healthiest form, and I just can't help it!) I can't explain it, just can say that since she was very young, I would always 'look out' for her. A mother's love from me was just hers, free for the taking.....and she did. I often tell Jonathan that I fell in love with Cynthia before he did....I really did. I have corrected many people in the last couple of weeks when they refer to my 'daughter-in-law'...I quickly tell them that I have no daughter-in-law. I have 2 daughters.

I was thrilled to share every wedding planning experience with my girl. Many LA trips, David's Bridal trips....you name it. What fun we had.... The bond becoming stronger and stronger.

All this said, there were many bitter/sweet sentimental moments. Realizing that nothing would ever be the same. The little guy that I lived to take care of, and put every part of my being into, would be leaving home forever... The job of taking care of him would be passed on to someone else. It wouldn't be mine. Forever.....

Jonathan has always had a special 'sense' with me. I might be able to fool everyone else but never Jonathan. He just knows when I'm sad or upset, .... One night before he was married I was having one of these bitter/sweet sentimental moments, and didn't want anyone to see me cry...SO, knowing I wouldn't be missed (everyone was out with various events) I got in my car and just started driving. I cried and cried driving the streets of Santee. After about an hour my phone rings....guess who?! (He made me so mad that night!...Can't a girl just cry her eyeballs out without all the commotion? Drown her sorrows in a calorie filled milkshake or something without having to report to everyone?!) "Mom are you alright?" Trying to make my voice all 'sing-songy'. "Of course I'm alright....I'm at Sonic getting a drink." That 'sense' kicked in and he held on like a pit bull, and wouldn't let go until I was sobbing, hiccuping, and drooling all over the phone, telling him how hard it was for me to let go and let life take it's natural God elected course. We had a very sweet talk,....talked about all our special dinners together, and just how special and dear our bond was to each of us. He was so sweet, and the bitter tears turned sweet, as we talked and I cried, hiccuped, and felt like a nerd...but a nerd that was making the very necessary adjustments of the heart and soul, and the one helping me was that little boy that had turned into such a sweet, sensitive and incredible man.

I am a grateful lady. My first born has made the biggest step in his life, and he picked a little angel. My heart is full of gratefulness and peace. God has been so good to me!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby!!

Today I am celebrating the birthday of the LOVE OF MY LIFE....Happy Birthday Babe!!!!

Paul I am thankful for the man that you are.  You live what you preach.  You have integrity.  You are a hard worker.  You are a compassionate and strong leader.  You have been a wonderful Dad to our children, and an incredible husband to me.  I love the home we have created side by side, and  cherish the children we have so lovingly raised together.  Little did I know that a cowboy from Michigan would sweep me off my feet like you did....but I'm oh so glad you did!!!!  Looking forward to being by your side for MANY more birthdays to come.....

Lorraine  :-)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Jonathan & Cynthia

My beautiful - soon to be - Daughter-in-law....

I have had a special love in my heart for this young lady for many years, not knowing....

I love you Cynthia, and am so excited to welcome you into our family!!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I'll Love Him Forever...

Tonight is a very special night for my son Jonathan....Today he proposed marriage to a beautiful, sweet girl...

Oh how time flies....It was just 'yesterday' that I brought Jonathan Paul Bertram into this world.  Just 'yesterday' I held him in my arms and proclaimed him to be the most beautiful baby that ever was born.  Just 'yesterday' I took a long walk in the country with him and giggled at the tough manly way my little 2 year old did everything....Just 'yesterday' I went with him to get his first pair of glasses....yep, it was 'yesterday' the Doctor said Jonathan would have to wear an eye patch to help his vision, and I wore a patch over my eye too just to  make him feel like it was the 'cool' thing to do.  Yeah, and just 'yesterday' we went to 'Po Folks' ...our favorite hangout to be together just him and I, to talk.  Just...'yesterday'....In fact just 'yesterday', I sat you and David down after a brotherly squabble with your 'Jonathan and David' bible storybook, and went over again why it was that I named you 'Jonathan and David'...."Yep, they were the very best of friends"...and "that's what Momma wants you both to be."  Just 'yesterday' I would sit with you and help with homework, quizzing you before a test...At your high school touch football game 'yesterday' I screamed till my throat was raw and filled my camera to overflowing with pictures of you!  Yes, just 'yesterday' I sat on the floor alone in my room and wept as I filled out your graduation card.... 

Jonathan, it seems like 'just yesterday', but it really wasn't 'yesterday'.  Many days, months, and years have passed.  You have valuably used this time to apply yourself.  To better yourself.  To have a real relationship with Jesus Christ.  You even have sacrificed your passions and career goals because you wanted to please God more than you wanted to please yourself.  Son, I am so proud of the man you have become. You are the epitome of  what a real man should be....Cynthia is a blessed girl.  You will be an incredible husband....and Daddy.
All that said, this is how Mommas heart feels tonight.....

"Jonathan, I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always.  As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."

I love you son!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Guilty of Blog Neglect

It has been forever since I have posted on my blog!  I am definitely guilty of 'Blog Neglect'.  I'm sure in this world where no one is responsible or accountable for ANYthing they do, there is a more 'politically correct' way of saying that, but oh well...

Life has been very busy for the Bertram family.  We have had two incredible girls from our church in and out of the hospital and undergoing very serious surgeries, and against all odds, we went ahead and did our Easter drama....and with just the busyness of everyday life....well, our household has been going non stop!!!! .  

The Easter Drama was an INCREDIBLE success.  The best ever!!  Not only did we have a packed house at both showings, but both showings culminated in new people FLOODING the altars!!!!  Incredible altar calls!!!!  Thank you Jesus!!!!

I will be explaining the reason behind my blog neglect, and will have some more VERY interesting news to share real soon...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Home SWEET Home

Briana told her Doctors before and after surgery, "I will be going home on Wednesday."  Their comment to her was, "If all goes well, you will be home maybe on Friday."  Guess who was right?!
Briana and Jeanette got home yesterday late afternoon, dropped off their hospital 'stuff', and came right over to our house for a delicious home cooked meal, and an 'out of hospital celebration'!  We had a wonderful time being together, and celebrating another 'win' on this battlefront of cancer.  Our little girl is weathering the storm with extreme strength and unwavering faith.  She is eating VERY well, and giggles when we tease her about her bountiful appetite.  
Today Chantal went to Briana's house to spend the day with her (We can't pry those two apart lately!)  The bond that these two girls share is so beautiful and rare.  I love to just sit and watch them....it's the sweetest picture of real friendship you'll ever see!
Please continue to pray for Briana, as next week will be back to City of Hope for chemo and radiation.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Surgery Update

I am so sorry that I have lagged....with Bri at the City of Hope in the LA area, the drive and dynamics have been a little different.  But GREAT news!

Surgery had been scheduled for late afternoon on Monday, but there was a cancellation, so by noon, Bri was already in surgery.  My husband and I, Chantal, Dad Hoffer, Tia, and little sister Morgan got the call, and raced up early in the morning.  Aunt Jackie and Mom Jeanette were already there, and Grandpa and Grandma Garrido met us all there.  Before surgery the Doctor asked Bri if she had any questions....her response was..."I don't have any questions, but I do have a request.  I want that breathing tube taken out of my mouth BEFORE I wake up!"  Well, that's exactly what happened.  They took the breathing tube out before she woke up, so she was a much happier camper this time waking up.  She continues to blow our mind....an hour after her THIRD brain surgery in 2 1/2 weeks, my husband and I are at her bed side and the THREE of us are TALKING and GIGGLING our heads off!!!!!!!!!  (Briana and I were confessing our sins to our Pastor and telling him how 2 days before we were playing FBI secret agents. (At the City of Hope hospital!)  Running down the halls (literally...yes me her 43 year old pastors wife and our other 2 famous agents Jonathan and Chantal....I will DO ANYTHING to brighten this childs life!!!!  ....besides it was a blast!  LOL)  our hands postured as guns in front of us-- hiding behind pillars, sneaking from one hiding place to another and LAUGHING OUR HEADS OFF!!!!  Johnny would bust through a door ahead of us, do a famous secret agent roll on the ground (you know to avoid flying bullets), make sure it was all clear for 'Nancy, Beth, and George', then we would proceed to find another pillar or hospital cabinet to hide behind...guns drawn of course.  We would get in a single file line holding on to each other like a little secret agent train and peak our four little heads around the corner, and make a bee line for our next destination.  (Never did we imagine that there are cameras all over the hospital, and that we probably had quite an audience!!!!)  Needless to say, my husband was quite enthralled with this latest escapade of his WIFE, kids, and little faithful saint.  (You'd think he'd get used to it after 25 years!)....Bri and I felt much relief as we confessed all!!  
Briana has had QUITE AN APPETITE, and soon after surgery was wondering when they were going to feed her.  She was DESPERATE TO EAT....Later in the evening, I entered the room to the sound of more giggling.....Morgan was filming Chantal feeding Bri her first meal after surgery (yummy lemon jello)....why film that?  Because she was doing the "open your mouth for the airplane Bri Bri,  weeee wee weee here goes the airplane through the sky woooo wooooooo and laaaaannnndddsss in Bri's mouth...crash!!!"  Then tons more giggles as Bri tries to swallow the jello and giggle too.  Bri looked at us and said "I can't believe I'm doing this for jello!"  That evening, City of Hope ICU Ward, was bright with the sunshine of gratefulness and joy, and the beautiful sound of giggles and laughter.....THANK YOU JESUS!
Yesterday Bri was taking short little walks to the bathroom, eating TONS, and only needing Tylenol for pain.  THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!  SHE is insisting on coming home today....we will soon find out what the DOCTORS have to say.  Thank you so much for your prayers!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Briana Update

It has been 1 week since Briana got out of the hospital.   (Although it seems like so much longer.) 
Briana's Week:
Briana got out of the hospital Valentines Day, and that evening was partying with my husband and I, Jonathan and Cynthia, Chantal, the Casias's and her sweet family.  We had a great time!

Bri's biggest wish was to be in church on Sunday......Briana had good church Sunday morning AND Sunday night.  (When people give wimpy excuses why they can't go to church, hit them with this...2 brain surgeries and days later in church - BOTH services!!!!)  It was so moving just watching her being wheeled into the doors.  God moved so strong, and I know He gave Bri more strength, meanwhile she inspired and blessed all of us who were just weeping and dancing with thankfulness and new found inspiration and faith.  What a day that was!!  
Between services, Jonathan and Cynthia spent the day with Briana, making sure she ate well, and got some rest...the Hoffer's were entertaining another house full...everyone loves the Hoffers!
On Monday evening, Amanda (a sweetie from church) was having a birthday party at a local restaurant for all the 'girls'....Chantal and I planned to go, (Amanda is my baby in the Lord - won her to God when she lived across the street from us.)...well, Monday afternoon, I get this call from our little Angel (who knows I can't say no to her).  She asks me if she can go with us to the party!!  It had been pouring down rain, and I was a little nervous, but WE DID IT!  Took the wheelchair, a big blanket, took meds with us, partied, and made some precious memories.  Bri was determined to be there for Amanda.  It was so cute to watch our brave little soldier, or should I say our brave little actress pretend like everything was just peachy....you know she didn't just have TWO brain surgeries days ago or anything!   Her vision is temporarily affected, and a lot of the time she sees double, but far be it from her to say a word.   Miss Independent DOESN'T ask for help. She was knocking stuff around, getting her sleeve in ranch dressing, and trying to camouflage the fact that she was covering one eye so that she didn't have to endure more than one of all of us--or make too big of a wreck of the table!  (We later had a huge giggle, when I told her I saw EVERYTHING, and was trying myself to be sneaky and intercept the carnage!  LOL  With Chantal on one side, and myself on the other, we managed to have a great time and EAT EVERYTHING IN SIGHT!!!!  I am SO not kidding!  The girl was an eating machine....and I was just so thrilled and beside myself excited to see her eat so heartily, I  was keeping right up with her and loving every minute of it!!!!
Tuesday morning Jeanette, Briana, and I made our way up the freeway to City of Hope to find out our next step in this journey.  We spent the day together and had a great time.  I will say this...I put my foot down, and told Miss Independent that it was time to not be so independent!!  (I did this when I found out that little Missy had fallen on her face the previous night getting ready for bed.)...So at lunch Bri let Jeanette and I escort her down the stairs at Spaghetti Factory....WHAT A GIRL!!!!  We met with Briana's Rhabdo Specialist Dr. Soto, and planned our next steps, and got back into town about 10pm.
On Wednesday Bri got to see her Aunt Jackie.  What a great reunion this has been...how happy she has been to have her two Tia's around.  I might add that Chantal has not missed a minute of 'Bri time'.  I panicked  on Wednesday night when I called to check on them... just in time to hear 'Dr. Chantal (with an Australian accent I might add) talking to her 'patient', as she administered the antibiotic ointment to her head staples...YIKES!!!!  All I heard on the other end of the phone was an Australian accent, and tons of giggles.  Jeanette also taught Jonathan how to flush Bri's pic line....Jeanette is so CRAZY!!!!  Doesn't she know that these Bertram Doctors can't be trusted?!  Actually Momma Jeanette is making their day...
Bri was admitted to City of Hope on Thursday morning, as Dr. Soto decided at our Tuesday meeting would be the best way to coordinate our next step.  Dr. Soto ordered another MRI and evaluation, and has met with the Neurosurgeons that specialize with cancerous tumors.  What they have discovered, is that there is still a small piece of tumor left (almost an inch big), and because these tumors can be very aggressive, and have the ability to grow quickly, they have scheduled surgery to remove it this coming Monday.
Through all of this Briana's spirits continue to be UP.  She hasn't wavered for one minute.  She has an incredible example in her dear parents.  Jeff and Jeanette are extraordinary in the way they have put their faith and total trust in God.  It is so beautiful to see them worship their way through this journey.  To watch them despite what they are going through, reaching out to the new ones in the church, praying with others, dancing, running the aisles, and saying with big grins on their faces..."We've got the victory".  What a family!!!!

Thank you for your continued prayers.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Coming Home Today!!

Briana is coming home today!  She has done very well recuperating from brain surgery, is eating well, and although very weak, is walking short distances.  What Bri wanted most was to be in church on Sunday, and that WILL now happen! 
 It has amazed me to see how many hospital personnel Bri has touched.  There are nurses, hospital office clerks, outpatient employees, janitors... the list goes on... these people are  constantly coming to her room to check on her.  Many were in tears when they found out about this latest setback.  One very classy lady that works close with Bri's Oncologist said she will be in church this Sunday Morning.  The Hoffer's have never questioned God as to why any of this has happened to their precious daughter, but what they have done during this whole journey is to try and touch EVERYONE they come in contact with....and I mean EVERYONE.  One of Briana's  visitors while she was in ICU, was a mother of a little boy they met when Bri first was diagnosed.  After a valiant fight, the little boy died a few months back in that same area of the hospital where Bri was, and although it was very difficult for this mother, when she heard about Briana she just had to come and visit her.  With tears in her eyes, and heart wrenching reminders everywhere she looked, she came to bring comfort and support to Bri and her parents.  The sweet sacrifice of this visit just made me cry. 

Bri has so many people that care for her and love her and I just want to mention them because they are so wonderful.  One of these people is her Aunt Angela, whom we all lovingly refer to as 'Tia'.  Tia has been such a blessing to the Hoffer family.  Tia is always there to care for Bri and Morgan, and just do anything that needs to be done.  (She is also real good at helping us all smile and laugh when we need it the most.)  Bri also has incredible grandparents.  Grandpa and Grandma Garrido are the sweetest people you will ever meet, and are so devoted to their family.  (Tia gets her sense of humor from them!)  Last but certainly not least is Grandma Red.  (This is Jeff's mom, and her nick name is derived from her beautiful red hair.)  Grandma Red is a wonderful grandmother.  Although she is also fighting cancer, her focus is Briana.   I also want to mention Auntie Jackie who Bri is SO EXCITED TO SEE THIS NEXT WEEK!!!!  It has been so hard on Aunt Jackie to live so far from Brianna during these times, but she so faithfully is on the phone checking on everyone, and praying...

Tuesday Bri has an appointment with Dr. Soto, her Rhabadomysarcoma specialist at City of Hope.  During this visit we will get direction on how to face our next battle.  Please continue to pray.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


French toast, fruit, and cereal.

This was the morning menu for our little 'Bannana' !!(As Chantal so lovingly refers to Briana as.)

Also, 'Bananna' was moved out of ICU and onto the friendly Hemoc floor where all of the nurses and Doctors are like family to her.  Her request last night was a bean burrito from a Taco Shop that is close to the hospital, so we are making sure that today for dinner our little soldier goes 'Mexican'!  Oh how all of this just warms our hearts...to look back at Tuesday evening, with the Doctors reports that were so hopeless and  scary, and look today and see Bannana alive, walking (with help), talking, seeing, a mind that is 'whole', eating....all I can say is THANK YOU JESUS!!!!

Our next step is now chemo and radiation treatments and a lot of rest.  Please continue to pray, as we can see, prayer changes things!

(If anyone would like to send the Hoffers any 'help', please email me, and I will give you their address. connielori@aol.com)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Surgery Done!

Our girl Bri continues to amaze us.....

The surgery was supposed to take up to 4 hours.....1 1/2 hours later we were summoned by the Neurosurgeon!!   All done!  The tumor was the size of a cue ball, but was safely removed.  

Chantal and I were able to be with her immediately, and she made us so happy...(she is going to beat me for telling this, but here goes).... The girl JUST GOT OUT OF MAJOR BRAIN SURGERY...she is supposed to be weak and asleep.....NO!!   She decided she wanted the breathing tube out!  Well, our little Supergirl was trying everything to get at the tubes.  Her strength amazed us and the nurses.  She even got a little 'ghetto', and tried to slyly kick Chantal in the head!!!!  HALLELUJAH!!!!  Our little brave soldier lives on!!  She moves, she fights, she tries to out smart and out maneuver us.  GO BRI!!  The nurses, Chantal, and I, had our mouths open, big grins on our faces, and I'm telling you what, I had to take off my jacket, and was still sweating, trying to keep her from all the yucky tubes.  Thank you Jesus!!

The Hoffers thank you for all your prayers....More updates soon.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday Update

Today Bri is doing great.  She has been chug-a-lugging on Gatorade, and even ate some chicken noodle soup!!!!  Go Bri!  All her church friends came between church services,  so she has had her social time.  (Which is a MUST for Miss Social Butterfly.)  
She has also been telling all of us, AS WELL AS HER NURSES AND DOCTORS..."I'm out of here in a week."  ....Little Miss Priss is once again 'in charge'.

Tuesday night Bri experienced vision problems  and headache that led to seizures.  The Doctors discovered that she had bleeding in her brain, that had caused these other problems.  Emergency surgery was done during the night to release the pressure caused by the bleeding, however, the cause of all this was a tumor.  Surgery tomorrow is to remove that tumor.  The surgery is scheduled for 7:30 a.m.  

Many have asked how they can help the Hoffer's during this time.  Their immediate needs are gas cards and food money.  These can be sent to the Hoffers home. (If you would like their address, email me at connielori@aol.com and I will forward it to you.)  Also, we are currently setting up an account where donations can be sent for their incredibly huge medical expenses.  When we get this set up I will post the information.

The Hoffers have read all of your sweet comments, and really appreciate your thoughts and prayers.    

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday Update

Today has made our hearts smile.  Bri is not only talking to us, but her take charge personality has made an appearance.  She is asking questions, keeping track of what we all are wearing, and asking the nurses and doctors how their families are doing!  This girl is amazing!  

She asked me "Momma B, what day is it?"  I told her, "It's Saturday"....she said, "Wow, the last few days sure have passed by fast!"....Then she preceded to warm my heart when she said, "The only thing I remember is you kissing my feet."  (Explanation- When she started responding by answering us with her cute little toes, I just couldn't help myself!!)

Our next step is surgery, Monday morning at 7:30 a.m.  Please continue to pray for Bri.  Your comments and prayers give the Hoffers much comfort.  Thank you.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Update - Briana

Briana is resting well.  They are taking her off the breathing machine this afternoon, which is GREAT because it means she is breathing on her own!  GO BRI!
She is responding to all of us by wiggling her toes, squeezing our hands, and nodding her head.  All these responses are small miracles and make our heart do happy flip flops.  Tonight we should get more information on further treatment.  Please keep praying for Briana, and family.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

PLEASE PRAY for our Sweetheart Briana...

Me being goofy w/My Sweet Bri

Many of you know Briana Hoffer.  She is a precious 15 year old girl in our church.  She is not only an extremely talented girl with an incredible personality, but she is a girl that has power with God.  She is an incredible christian.  She is also Chantal's best friend, our boys adopted little sister, and is like a daughter to my husband and I.   She and her parents are some of the spiritual pillars that hold up the foundation of our church.
A year and a half ago, Briana was diagnosed with cancer.  (Rhabadomysarcoma)  She has fought valiantly, and with incredible spirit and attitude.  Her unwavering trust in God, and her joyous spirit has inspired many near and far that know her story.  (caringbridge.org     ourgirlbri)
She has been doing extremely well, but had a very serious setback Tuesday Night.   I am asking everyone who reads my blog to please pray for Briana.  (With her parents permission, I will post updates on her condition here.)
If you would like to leave any comments here for her or her family, I will pass them on to them.

Thank you so much.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

An Everlasting Love...

 Psalm 103:11...For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.

How beautiful is that?!

The big news of the Bible is not that I love God, but that GOD LOVES ME.  God knows MY name.  His thoughts of me outnumber the sand on the shore.  I never leave His mind, or escape His sight, or flee His thoughts.  He sees the worst of me and loves me still.  He knows me better than I know myself and has reached His verdict...HE LOVES ME STILL.  He loves me with an everlasting love!!!!  This knowledge doesn't make me want to live my life carnally, taking advantage that His mercies are new every morning....NO.  This knowledge humbles me. Fills my eyes with tears, and makes me want to try all the harder to please HIM.  
God is so INCREDIBLE!!!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

'Twas The Month AFTER Christmas'

A girl in our church (Cute Tanya) sent this to me, and it was so 'relevant', I had to share it!

Twas the month after christmas and all through the house, Nothing would fit me, not even a blouse.
The cookies I'd nibbled, the chocolate I'd taste at the holiday parties had gone to my waist.
When I got on the scales, there arose such a number!  When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber),
I remembered the marvelous meals I'd prepared;  The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared,
The wine and rum balls, the bread and the cheese, And the way I'd never said, "No thank you, please."
As I dressed my self in my husband's old shirt, And prepared once again to do battle with dirt...
I said to myself, as I only can, "You can't spend all winter, disguised as a man!"
So, away with the last of the sour cream dip.  Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker, and chip.
Every last bit of food that I like must be banished,  Till all the additional ounces have vanished.
I won't have a cookie, not even a lick.  I'll want only to chew on a long celery stick.
I won't have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie.
I'll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.  
I'm hungry, I'm lonesome, and life is a bore....
But isn't that what January is for?!

Is that hilarious or what?

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Faith Mountain Youth ROCK

As I was writing the post regarding our weekend at the Rialto Winter Retreat, it dawned on me that I have not ever written a post about the BEST YOUTH GROUP in the WORLD!!!!  Faith Mountain Youth!!!!!  My husband and I are SO thankful for the young people in our church.  They LOVE God PASSIONATELY.  They are REAL christians.   They truly make us proud!

According to a recent Barna report, when asked to identify the most significant or challenging issues facing their teenagers, the #1 answer given by parents and youth workers, was peer pressure.  (I could have saved them the trouble, and told them that!! LOL)

When I speak to teenagers, I encourage them to TURN PEER PRESSURE AROUND.  Make the 'cool thing' living for God....I am so grateful to say that Faith Mountain Youth Group, well, they have their own ideas about what being 'cool' is!

The cool thing in our youth group is...... being on fire for God, going to youth prayer meetings every Wednesday night, dressing Godly AND cute, going to outreach every Saturday morning, getting together and praying at the church at all hours of the day or night, having ONE BIG clique (if you're attending our church, and your living for God...you're IN!), doing bible studies together, sitting in the front of ANY church service ANYWHERE, whether anyone else is worshipping or not, and worshipping passionately and wholeheartedly!!!

FMT Youth...Your worship, commitment and passion for God is so beautiful.  I wish young people around the world could be exposed to just 1 week with you...I know it would change their lives.  Thank you for being so dedicated.  You'll never know how your worship and faithfulness bless Pastor Bertram and I.  My love for you is so deep and so wide.   Keep being powerful, and striving for more of God's glory.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Rialto Winter Retreat

Ontario Youth Retreat

Late Saturday night (or should I say EARLY Sunday morning...) We returned from preaching a youth retreat for Bro. Bookers church. The location was about 45 minutes from Rialto, in the mountains....it was a really beautiful setting. Snow covered the ground, beautiful mountains and forests, crisp air,... but for this sissy California girl, it was cold!
The retreat was AWESOME. We had a great time!! Michael and Laura Barrier did such a great job putting this retreat together. Their hospitality was second to none!! (They are the most adorable couple...we just love them!!!!) The Barrier's had a great team of chaperones that we really enjoyed meeting and being with.
Saturday I had the privilege of speaking to all the young ladies in a split session, and we had a great time. (What a sweet and beautiful bunch of girls!!)
I want to compliment these young people on their response to the word of God. The altar calls were so powerful...everyone lingered, and God's presence was so real and beautiful. (And the preaching was AWESOME!!!! Good job babe!)

Thank you all so much for everything. We really enjoyed our time with you...you are a GREAT group of young people!!!!!!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Rest of Story

In my last post I mentioned that our family brought in the new year at Conquerors Conference in Arizona. Before I add a new post, I want to join Paul Harvey in 'finishing the story'...

When we evangelized, we had the privilege of preaching for Paul and Debbie Connor in Tuscon, Arizona. We fell in love with them and their sweet family and church. Through the years we have seen them, and every time we are in the same room, we just seem to be drawn to them. This trip was extra special in that they hosted the conference, and we got to see them and spend some time together. This is a QUALITY family and church. I was so touched to see that their kids are full of the Holy Ghost, real christians, involved, and incredible!!!! It was also wonderful seeing the Zomorano's (I love them so much!!) and it was great to see Delman Sansom, and his BEAUTIFUL family!

In this new year, I don't want to miss an opportunity to let people know how special they are...Thank you Paul and Debbie and church!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Conqueror's Conference Brought In our New Year

We just returned from Conqueror's Conference in Tucson, AZ. We always love spending time with our friends from Arizona. They are really neat people! Conqueror's Conference was AWESOME. My favorite worship leader lead worship (My honey) on Thursday Night, and my favorite preacher preached the Friday Service (My honey). It was INCREDIBLE!!!! It was also really neat seeing my kids involved in this Conference. On Friday night David preached in the 'Young Preacher's Pre-Service' spot, and I was very proud of him. He did AWESOME! Also, on Friday Night, Chantal did a solo with the mass choir....AWESOME!

One of the highlights for the young people, is the banquet on the last night. It was so cute seeing the guys getting up the nerve, and asking the girls Dad, and then approaching the girls! (Brought back many funny memories!!) A restaurant is reserved, and the kids have a great time. This was Chantal's first 'Conference Banquet' date. It was so cute, Chantal's date Andrew was waiting outside of the restaurant with a corsage behind his back when she arrived. (Thank you Andrew for being a perfect gentleman!)

We all enjoyed being with our friends from AZ, making many more new ones, and bringing in the New Year at Conqueror's Conference!