Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Rest of Story

In my last post I mentioned that our family brought in the new year at Conquerors Conference in Arizona. Before I add a new post, I want to join Paul Harvey in 'finishing the story'...

When we evangelized, we had the privilege of preaching for Paul and Debbie Connor in Tuscon, Arizona. We fell in love with them and their sweet family and church. Through the years we have seen them, and every time we are in the same room, we just seem to be drawn to them. This trip was extra special in that they hosted the conference, and we got to see them and spend some time together. This is a QUALITY family and church. I was so touched to see that their kids are full of the Holy Ghost, real christians, involved, and incredible!!!! It was also wonderful seeing the Zomorano's (I love them so much!!) and it was great to see Delman Sansom, and his BEAUTIFUL family!

In this new year, I don't want to miss an opportunity to let people know how special they are...Thank you Paul and Debbie and church!!

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