Thursday, September 11, 2008

Never Forget This Day

"A country without a memory is a country of madmen."
George Santayana

There are some things best left forgotten.  There are other things that we must never forget. One of these things is September 11th, 2001.  

We live in a country that will forever be impacted by what a few very evil men did.   These men  took many years, and were very patient.  They schemed, planned, and followed through with their hate filled plot.  They changed countless lives, and left thousands of people with grief stricken holes in their hearts because their loved ones would forever be absent from their arms.  Not to mention the constant turmoil of wondering just how much did that love one suffer before he or she died.  

Later, while the wound of this tragedy was still so fresh...other evil people who live in our great country, but are loyal to these violent radicals, danced in the streets.  OUR streets..... hate-mongers, celebrating the demise of OUR very own.  Let me add....a 'few' evil men followed through...(And no they are NOT now enjoying the company of 70 virgins!), but there are SCORES of these evil people who live only to plan the destruction of you and I, and our friends and family....and every other human being that does not believe like they do.

The reason why we must NEVER forget.....

If we forget, we just might vote a man into the highest and most powerful office in our country, where we can be destroyed from within.  A man who has put leaders and mentors in his life (Followed them for 23 years!), who HATE OUR COUNTRY.  A man who WOULD NOT, let me repeat, WOULD NOT put his hand on his heart to salute our flag while the Pledge Of Allegiance was being recited.  A man that every evidence proves, has embraced the Muslim religion as his own.  We vote him in to lead our country?!   Have we turned into 'MADMEN'?!

I am so thankful that I was born in this great country.  When I salute the flag, and recite the 'Pledge of Allegiance', or hear a patriotic song sung, tears never fail to fill my eyes.  I LOVE MY COUNTRY.  

So, today I am doing some 'reflecting', and thanking God for my country.  I'm taking the time to 'remember' what we have, and realizing how easily it can be taken the end, by our very own,... if we are 'without a memory'.


Music Eloquence said...

Hey Momma #2, I just discovered your blog. I am so glad you are blogging now. What a great post this was too. Dear God, I pray we haven't turned into madmen.

I love you and can't wait to see you next month.
Love me, your other daughter

Nannie Florence said...

You should have been closer to it like 2hr it was scarey I prayed real hard. I have also got to Blogging LOL Nannie Flo

Lorraine Bertram said...


Wow, great to hear from you. How did you run across my blog?

I know how you feel, I am new at the blog world too!

Wendy Wiggins said...

Hello Sister Bertram! So good to "see" you! I am going to add you to my friends list to keep up with what's going on in your life. I have a blog too, if you're interested.

Dios le bendiga!

~Wendy Wiggins

Lorraine Bertram said...

Great to hear from you Sis. Wiggins! I am very new to all this...I'd like to ad you also, and I will do so when I am with my faithful friends who are tutoring me along with this! LOL (They added the ones I have on there right now.)

God Bless!