Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Faith Mountain Youth ROCK

As I was writing the post regarding our weekend at the Rialto Winter Retreat, it dawned on me that I have not ever written a post about the BEST YOUTH GROUP in the WORLD!!!!  Faith Mountain Youth!!!!!  My husband and I are SO thankful for the young people in our church.  They LOVE God PASSIONATELY.  They are REAL christians.   They truly make us proud!

According to a recent Barna report, when asked to identify the most significant or challenging issues facing their teenagers, the #1 answer given by parents and youth workers, was peer pressure.  (I could have saved them the trouble, and told them that!! LOL)

When I speak to teenagers, I encourage them to TURN PEER PRESSURE AROUND.  Make the 'cool thing' living for God....I am so grateful to say that Faith Mountain Youth Group, well, they have their own ideas about what being 'cool' is!

The cool thing in our youth group is...... being on fire for God, going to youth prayer meetings every Wednesday night, dressing Godly AND cute, going to outreach every Saturday morning, getting together and praying at the church at all hours of the day or night, having ONE BIG clique (if you're attending our church, and your living for God...you're IN!), doing bible studies together, sitting in the front of ANY church service ANYWHERE, whether anyone else is worshipping or not, and worshipping passionately and wholeheartedly!!!

FMT Youth...Your worship, commitment and passion for God is so beautiful.  I wish young people around the world could be exposed to just 1 week with you...I know it would change their lives.  Thank you for being so dedicated.  You'll never know how your worship and faithfulness bless Pastor Bertram and I.  My love for you is so deep and so wide.   Keep being powerful, and striving for more of God's glory.


Anonymous said...

Faith Mountain Youth are some of the most incredible young people I have ever seen in "action" when it comes to a church service. Their love for God is evident in their worship. The kindness they exhibit is contagious. You and your husband are to be commended...youth simply mirror their examples. Thank you for ministering to another fabulous youth group this past weekend...Rialto Youth!

Lorraine Bertram said...

Sis. Pierce,

Thank you so much for your sweet words. Coming from you, it is a VERY HIGH COMPLIMENT!!!!

Yes, Rialto youth are wonderful! We had a great time with them!!!! The services were great, and getting to just be around them was awesome!

We love Inland Lighthouse!!!!

Jana McVay said...

Sister Bertram,
Just this last week a few of my friends and I were discussing our youth group at ILC. We are proud of them and pray for them to become all God intends for them to be. One thing that came up during our conversation was the youth group from your church. We, all 6 of us, are SO impressed by the "one big CLIQUE" that makes up your youth group. We want our young people to aspire to become just like that!!!
I have two beautiful daughters who are a part of ILC Live and they recently came home from the Winter Youth Retreat telling me about how awesome God is and what a wonderful job your husband and yourself did in ministering to them. They also bragged on your sweet Chantal and were very impressed with how friendly she was with them!!
Thank you for your ministry, your love for youth, and for the way you have raised your own children to reach out to everyone, in spite of "who" they may or may not be!