Saturday, May 7, 2011

Judge not?...

Have you been accused of, or have you accused anyone of 'judging' recently? I have noticed this word being used repeatedly, and for several weeks I have been compelled to write my feelings regarding it.

I am sure that what I am about to write will offend some. My intention is not to offend anyone. However, almost 46 years ago I was blessed to be born in the United States of America. Although in the last 46 years things have DRASTICALLY changed, I still very firmly stand on my inalienable rights as a Free American. My inalienable rights include freedom of speech and expression, and you might say that I am now launching both…courageously and proudly.

Dr. Laura Schlessinger said it like this, “I think the only people who don’t want you to make judgments are the people who don’t want to be judged, because they know what they are doing is wrong. They are defensive.”

I once heard a story of a man that was standing in a voting line one day, and overheard a woman justifying her foolish choice for president by saying, "Well, we aren't supposed to judge." Imagine that! Choosing NOT to judge a political candidate on election day! No wonder our nation is in such a horrendous mess!

Our society has indoctrinated us to be ‘politically correct’. Alcoholism, drug use, and continual immoral lifestyles are now ‘diseases’. Diseases? Excuse me??!! A disease is an abnormal condition affecting the body of an organism. It is a medical condition associated with specific symptoms and signs. A disease is something that YOU CAN’T CONTROL!! Cancer is a disease! Alcoholism, drug use, and immorality are NOT diseases!! People that practice them simply, have no discipline, conviction, or principles!

I suppose that some would say that I am guilty of ‘judging’ after reading that last paragraph. (Ironic observation...when accusing one of ‘judging’, aren’t YOU then guilty of the same?)

I have chuckled when I have heard self proclaimed heathens (or simply ones who live like heathens) quote the scripture “Judge not that ye be not judged’, as a rebuke or reprimand to those who live in this great Democracy, and are simply stating their beliefs or opinions.

These types of scriptures are sometimes thrown in the face of Christians to invoke feelings of guilt and shame, when said Christians whom I might add are ‘Free Americans’, state their opinions or beliefs. To that I say, unless you live by ALL of the Great Book, it is deceitful and fraudulent to use it’s sacred verses at your whim or convenience.

To those of you who frequently quote it out of context, and have no idea where it is found,….Matthew 7:1 says, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.”

Regarding Matthew 7:1-5. The context allows judging after you have first judged YOURSELF. Jesus did not make a blanket statement against judgment!

A ‘holier than thou’ and prideful attitude is one I refuse to own, and I do not condone, nor do I practice a daily dose of ‘judging’ people. However, now that we have established first, that here in America our inalienable rights INCLUDE freedom of speech and expression, and I who have made it my life’s objective to live by ALL of God’s Word, do not feel guilt when having an opinion, nor will I keep silent when I hold true a belief that is sacred to me, and I feel it is being compromised.

A quote I found most interesting; "He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” Henry David Thoreau.

There are things that I don’t plan on ‘cooperating’ with. I humbly pray for wisdom and courage. Silence is not an option, and charity MUST always be a top ingredient…but, silence is not an option.

Before I end this ‘write’, I am obliged to be ‘politically correct’. (*Smile & Wink*)

Democracy is communication: people talking to one another about their common problems and forging a common destiny. Before people can govern themselves, they must be free to express themselves.

Citizens of a democracy live with the conviction that through the open exchange of ideas and opinions, truth will eventually win out over falsehood, the values of others will be better understood, areas of compromise more clearly defined, and the path of progress opened. The greater the volume of such exchanges, the better!!

Democracy thrives upon the energy of citizens who are sustained by the unimpeded flow of ideas, data, opinions, and speculation.

Free American, signing off.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Why the hate??

****I recently read something that rang so true, and I felt like it couldn't have been written with more clarity or improved on. I immediately contacted the author, and he so graciously gave me permission to put it on my blog.****
(( I might add....Sam Hassas is probably one of the best, **If not THE best!** photographers EVER. Take a look and be impressed!
Why the hate??

I am going to preface this post with this first, I was born in Kabul Afghanistan.

All the hate towards the U.S. is sickening. America has her ills but when it's all said and done, (feel free to plug your ears here) it is the GREATEST NATION in the world and I dare say the history of the world.

I find it so hypocritical t
o those that came here from other countries and cast stones about the U.S. You left your country for a reason. War torn, dictatorship regimes, lack of work/jobs, quality of life, the list can go forever. Whatever the reason it's clear that HERE is better then where ever it was that you came from. Yet you freely insult, tear down and mock the very thing that gives you the life. The life you could have never had from where you came. A good life. A protected life. A FREE life.

I won't even start with the unbelievable amount of foreign aid that comes from the U.S. when trouble hits. TOp givers in every category for ever crisis over and over again. Japan, Haiti, 2004 Tsunami..........and hundreds of others.

I come from a proud race of men and women with strong hearts. It was sad to see these same people, my people be lotted together with the monster that is Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban. That said, today is a great day. Not just for the U.S. but for the world.

I get it though, tall trees catch the most wind. My rant is far saying that we are perfect as a nation. We're certainly not. Just next time you decide to go on the attack about how bad things are here and how evil of a country the US is, consider what the consequences of you "speaking your mind" would have been if you were back "home".

Love it or leave it folks. Love the U.S.
Land o the free, home of the brave. Pass a cheeseburger.

***steps off soap box***