Thursday, January 6, 2011

Parenting, kids, influence....Rambling!

When raising our kids, many times we shielded them, or maybe a better way of saying it is; 're-directed' them from spending time with certain peers. These 'peers' many times were 'somebodies'. These peers many times were 'THE' ones to be seen with. I know that others watching from the outside probably thought we were crazy. After all, doesn't everyone want their kids to be seen with 'them'?!

I must admit that there were times that I would second-guess myself. "Can these kids REALLY negatively affect my kids?? After all, we're talking about the growing up years when they weren't doing horrible things-why be SO careful?............I can't explain it. It was always just a feeling I would get. An intuition. At those times I would pray that I was doing the right thing for my kids, and just keep on trucking, and re-directing, with my fingers crossed, and my heart holding its breath.

Our kids never knew it. In fact, very recently my husband and I, Chantal (17), and David (20) , were sitting across the table from a minister who asked us to give him some of our parenting philosophies. At this moment, just a few months ago, my kids heard for the very first time our ideas and feelings on this subject. (Our reasoning for not telling them what we were doing, was that we didn't want to raise kids that felt like they were 'superior', or 'better' than others. Had that happened, WE would have been the ones hurting them.) They listened quite captivated and somewhat surprised.

During all this time, and still to this day, we teach our kids that GOD gives them their identity - not people. GOD elevates them - people don't.

I'm so grateful to God for His help. I've seen my kids grow up to be very secure in who they are. I have seen them love people regardless of their 'status'. I see in them a real depth. The 'cool' thing to them is living for God.... so if you do that, no matter who you are, what you look like, how much your daddy makes a year,'re accepted, and they'll love you.

In looking back, I can truly say that those 'intuitions' (that I truly believe are God given), never steered us wrong. My kids were shielded and protected from influences that would have harmed them, not physically, but spiritually. In the end, there's only one that can elevate them, .....and He knows their name, He knows their every thought, He sees each tear that falls, and He hears them when they call!!!!


Anonymous said...

Good subject!! That's so true!!
People need to know who they are in Christ alone. =D A holy confidence and boldness in the holyghost!!
Love ya, Bri H.

Anonymous said...

I just happened to read your blog and was so grateful i did. I had been thinking about this very thing in my own home and childrens lives. I am grateful for the wonderful example of a mother you are to imitate. besides, I am so grateful to have you for a pastor's wife! your the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sister Caryn

Tina said...

Great post!!