Sunday, September 5, 2010

Let's Age Gracefully Ladies!

Yes, that's my title....'Let's Age Gracefully Ladies'.

What is worse than seeing a 'mature' lady walking down the street, trying her hardest to look like a teenager? Something just doesn't add up, does it? You get embarrassed for them and want to discreetly take them by the hand and very nicely let them know their really not pulling off the 'look'....

I have used the analogy of a flower when discussing this subject. The flower goes through all states of development much like a female. It has a bud stage, and then it goes through the height of its color, then to the fading stage before it one day dies.

There comes a time when the 'bloom is off the rose', however, when you stop trying to capture what is gone, and live and love the new season of your life, you will be so much happier!! My delight is not looking in mirror, but now it's seeing my beautiful daughter walk in the room, in the 'height of her color'.

I say, take the botox, take the articles on looking 'ten years younger, take the 'obsessed with myself' mentality, ....take it all and throw it under the nearest bus!! Deal with it! Stop spending thousands of dollars trying to turn back the clock! Enjoy every season....and spend more time with what's on the inside instead of the outside.

Aging steals, your physical beauty If that's, all you have to show 
So you better have, a deeper beauty That's everlasting, this I know,  
Time, can be so cruel And the years, can take a mighty toll 
Wrinkles, sagging, and all such Been the same, since times of old,  
You can, spend a fortune But the aging, will go through 
It's something, you can't stop Going on, inside of you,  
So develop, your inner beauty And don't neglect, the outer too 
Cause both of them, together Make up, what God, has made of you. 


Pierce Household said...

Amen! I love your statement of Chantel being in the 'height of her color'. She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. Too many mothers want to compete in some sense with their sad. Great post! Especially coming from a lady that doesn't look old enough to have kids in their 20's :)

Lorraine Bertram said...

Pierce Household-I think we are 'kindred-spirit' moms! Chantal and I LOVE your beautiful daughter! You've done well!
....Thank you for the compliment....however, I see the wrinkles, age spots, and the sprouts of some silver. =D The great thing is, I've earned every bit of it, and am determined to enjoy every season of my life!! (Gonna leave the botox and spandex to someone else!!!! ) LOLOL

Anonymous said...

your post came out in code letters and symbols. Is it only for certain people??

Shepared said...

Did you know you can hang a rose upside-down and as it dries instead of fading it get darker? And when it has died completely the rose is frozen in beauty. This beauty will never fade away. And the rose and memories it brings can be kept long after the roses life has ended.