I was born and raised in an Apostolic home. It's all I've ever known. (It's all I ever WANT to know... I might add!) I have always loved God and lived for him simply because I WANTED TO. Nothing has changed....I STILL WANT TO! I am, *to put it simply*....in love. In love with Jesus. In all the years that I have lived for Him, I have NEVER EVEN CONSIDERED any other 'way'. I am unapologetic about my 'lifestyle'. In fact, I consider my 'lifestyle' a privilege. There are many before me that have walked this narrow path. I value them and am so grateful for their faithfulness and commitment, and treasure the heritage that has been passed down to me. I now am lovingly and proudly passing this treasure down to my children.
Our political and religious world today scream for change. So far the only 'change' Washington has brought, is a president and first lady that have no respect or understanding of the sacredness of the highest office in our nation. Their dress code, their references to our incredible country, and political stance, scream and prove their 'CHANGE'=EMINENT DESTRUCTION!! We are being destroyed not from the 'outside', but from the 'inside'. Is this same evolution taking place in the Apostolic world? I say yes! And lookout, because the real damage is being dealt from the inside.
I don't want any shortcuts or new plans. I want what is tried and true and what I consider My Pearl of Great Price....just sayin'.