What is going on in this head of mine tonight? I’m thinking about a word that means the world to me. Family.
What makes a great family? What makes a close family? What makes a strong family and keeps a family together?
I have been in the ministry all my life, and have observed many families. What stands out the most to me when I see a family that has that extra ‘specialness’ is one thing. Love. There is a little plaque that I put in a very conspicuous spot right out side our front door. Everyone that enters our home sees it. It reads, ‘Love is Spoken Here’. I’m really big on this. Our family not just ‘speaks’ love, but ‘shows’ love. To some who have not been raised this way, and look at our ‘way’ as ridiculous, or unnecessary, ....I don’t feel intimidated or in the least bit daunted…I just feel sorry….for you.
There have been times over the years when we felt immense pressure and had to take stands regarding the way we raised our children. We were ‘over-protective’, or ‘over-bearing’, …..etc….. Peer pressure comes outfitted a whole lot of different ways, and from a whole lot of different kinds of people. However, to this, we would stand tall, square our shoulders, smile, and, do it our way.
The ‘over-bearing’ mantra has never intimidated me. Proverbs…”She watches over the affairs of her household.” It is my job before God! (And when she does), “Her children arise and call her blessed.”
Love causes you to do a lot of things you didn’t think you were strong enough to do. One of them is sometimes standing up to people, and not always taking the easy road.
We are not finished raising our kids quite yet, but we are already blessed with little rewards that mean the world to a loving mom and dad…..
One of them happened just a couple of nights ago, when my beautiful daughter approached me, and trusted me with her heart. These are times that I stop and reflect, and thank God for the bond that we share.
Other rewards are when one of David’s clients (whom I have never met) sent me a 2 page letter giving me honor and thanking me because of the quality son I have raised. **David does her Pest Control.
Other rewards are when your own children call you blessed. A few years ago Jonathan left a message on our answering machine thanking us for the way we have raised him, and how much he appreciates us and loves us for it. The message was so heartfelt and touching that I have saved it to this very day, and listen to it frequently….it just makes my day so much brighter.
Although a little fragmented, I hope my rambling thoughts encourage a parent today. Don’t be lazy. Don’t be easily intimidated. Pray and ask God for guidance, wisdom, and direction. After doing that, just simply STAND. Stand and Love.
I have all the faith in the world that when you do this, you will have a great family, a close family,…a strong family that stays together through everything that life brings your way.
***I could go on and on!!!! Maybe I will....There just might be more to come!! =D